The use of specific camera shots, editing techniques, sounds, and mise-en-scene are what make a movie unique and help build the plot. These elements are used to establish the setting, build the plot, and form suspense in the first five minutes of Marvel's Agent Carter . The first element displayed regards sound. In the first shot, the Marvel logo is presented, but in the background there is a sound of Peggy speaking to her colleague, Steve Rogers. This scene then quickly transitions to a shot of the two characters displayed using simultaneity. The audience is immediately drawn into action by the use of this sound bridge. Leit-motif is also used in this first scene, in which suspenseful music plays consistently. The use of a combination of direct sound and indirect sound allows the director to make the shots interesting, yet suspenseful. The sounds build up strong emotions of sadness and urgency, as well as context for the situation, from the beginning of the movie. Music is used ...