5 Master Edits Examples
Parallelism: Grease (1978) This scene from the movie Grease is an example of parallelism. The boys are all in the car in specific positions in the first shot. When the scene cuts to a shot of the boys on the car in the same positions, but in a different car, this is parallelism. The layout of the shots are so similar that they mirror each other. Contrast: Hidden Figures (2016) This scene from the movie Hidden Figures is an example of contrast. In this scene, Katherine Goble has to run to the west side of the NASA Center because there are no bathrooms in the main center for colored women. Goble looks to have run about a half mile there and back. This scene cuts back and forth between her running and the director looking for her in the office. This scene displays how differently white men and black women were treated in the work place. Symbolism: Snow White (1937) This scene from the movie Snow White is an example of symbolism. In this scene the...